"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." (James 1:27)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Please Pray

I know it's been several months since I have posted anything. There's been a lot on my mind and some things my family and I have been in prayer about. First, we are asking you to pray specifically for our adoption process. I have been patient through most of the past 4 years but here lately I am getting frustrated. I don't understand why the China Center of Adoption Affairs is moving extremely slow. I know that there are thousands of orphans in China so why is it taking so long? Just to remind you, our log-in-date is July 14, 2006. The CCAA is finally in April 2006, but they stayed in March 2006 for 6 months! So, do the math, and at that rate it could be another 18+ months for us to wait. At the same time, Karsten is getting older and growing up without a sibling here close in age. He was 4 years old when we started the process and he just turned 8 a couple days ago. Originally, we thought he would be 5 when we traveled to China to get Kylie.

The Christmas season is especially difficult at times. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining because I know I have so much to be thankful for. I have a Savior who knows and loves me and He has blessed me with an incredible family. But I am human and I struggle with things sometimes. My dream of seeing Karsten and Kyler playing together here on earth as brothers is gone. The every day things we do, I think--what would life be like if Kyler was here? Doing laundry, setting the kitchen table, getting Karsten tucked in bed, homeschooling, playing games, and so forth, these are some of the things I miss not getting to do for and with Kyler. Our hearts ache for him and we miss him terribly. Then at the same time, if God had not taken Kyler to heaven then we most likely would not be adopting Kylie. We wish she was here with us as well. In addition, Karsten grieves missing his brother and wanting him here to play with. He, of course, does not understand this long wait to get his sister.

I know that God does things in His own time. I know that. I do trust Him and His timing. I am reminded of so many Bible stories of ones who had to wait on things. Just as God sent Jesus to earth at just the right time, I do believe that He will give us Kylie at just the right time. It's just hard waiting sometimes and we feel like our life has been put on hold.

Please pray for Brad, Karsten and I to:

*be filled with Christ's joy
*to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength
*have patience and endurance
*find rest and comfort in God's loving presence
*comfort others with the comfort He has given us
*trust God's timing in getting Kylie, that 2010 would be the year we bring her home

Also, pray that the CCAA would move more quickly. Pray for orphans to get in their forever families. Pray that Kylie and all the orphans will feel loved and accepted and that God would protect them from harm and keep them safe.

The Christmas season is a joyous time of year and it's also a time of sorrow for many people. Whether you've lost a loved one recently or many years ago, it's something you don't "get over." So pray for the millions of hurting people around the world that they would know the HOPE that is found only in Jesus Christ. And for the suffering ones that do know Christ as Savior, pray that their strength would be renewed and that they would continue to grow in the Lord and His Word.

"For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope." (Romans 15:4)

I look forward to the day when Jesus does come back to earth again! I enjoy and find great comfort in Casting Crowns music. From their latest CD is "Glorious Day". I shed tears every time I hear this song. I long to be with my Savior and my son FOREVER!

May you all have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas!


Don't forget to scroll down and pause the music

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

LID (Log-in-date): July 14, 2006

This is for you Kylie Hope~

Three years ago today our paperwork was logged in with the China Center of Adoption Affairs. We continue to pray for you and love you! We lift your birth parents up to our loving heavenly Father that He would comfort them and that they would experience His love and grace.

We are believing and praying that God will make a way for us to have you with us this year. Nothing is impossible with our Almighty and powerful God!

We love you, Kylie, and some day soon you will hear those words from us.

All our love,
Daddy, Mommy, & Karsten

Monday, June 8, 2009

Random Things

I know it's been over a month since I've posted anything. Karsten finished 1st grade on May 22 and we are having fun and enjoying the summer break. Karsten's baseball season is about to come to an end. He has done such a great job and we are so proud of him. He even hit a homerun the other day! This was our first year not playing in a Christian organization, but it's been pretty good. It's made us get out of our comfort zone. We've met some wonderful people and some who are Christians.

Karsten has a new kitten named Tippy. She is a 6 week old tortoiseshell and is so adorable. Our 13 year old cat Priscilla died less than a month ago with kidney failure, and then two days later we adopted a kitten from the pound. Long story short, Snuggles was only with us for two days and spent four days in the vet. She was very sick and we had to have her put down. Meanwhile, this past Saturday, we got Tippy, who is very healthy and playful. However, Saturday night, Tippy fell 11 or 12 feet from the ledge of the banister onto the hardwood floor. We were in shock and thought that this cannot be happening. She wasn't moving and we thought she was a goner. We did a lot of praying that night and praise the Lord she is okay. Maybe cats really do have nine lives. =)

As far as news in our adoption, there's really been no change. The China Center of Adoption Affairs is still moving so slowly. We continue to trust our sovereign King because He has allowed this. We remember that God's timing is so much different than our own. It says in Psalms and in the New Testament that a thousand years is like a day to the Lord. What then does 3 1/2 years equate to? God knows the time, He knows what is right, because He made time and He's the One who even gives us time. That's why we need to make good use of our time. We can choose to complain about the wait, or not complain, and wait patiently for God to move. We know He is already moving!

One more thing for now, please pray for my family and me for God to give us wisdom and direction in finding another church. Through much prayer we felt God leading us somewhere else. It was a VERY difficult decision!! We love our church family, our Pastor and his wife, but we believe that if we didn't leave we would be disobeying God. We've been at our church for nearly 11 years and this was not an easy decision. In fact, the easy thing to do would just have been to stay where we are. We are very comfortable there; however, sometimes God calls us out of our comfort zone to do His will. This is something we have total peace about. We just started visiting another church yesterday. We have no idea where God will put us. I am so thankful for my church the past 10+ years. I was a new Christian at the time and I have grown so much there and appreciate my Pastor, Sunday School teachers, and my ladies Bible study teacher. There are so many people we will miss, but let me stress that no matter where we are serving we are still one and part of the body of Christ. We deeply covet your prayers for us!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another song from Karsten

Here is Karsten singing and playing "Jesus Loves Me". Yesterday he received a black eye as he and his friend ran into each other as they were playing. His friend's forehead hit Karsten's cheekbone and eye. His eye was extremely swolen yesterday that we took him to the doctor to make sure nothing was broken and that his eye was okay. He is doing well and the swelling has gone in. Please pray for Karsten!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Here I Am To Worship

I have to brag on Karsten. He started guitar lessons in January and is doing a great job. We are so thankful for his guitar teacher who is also a Christian. Yesterday he learned the song, "Here I Am To Worship" and Karsten has enjoyed practicing it. He wants to play it at his recital in a few weeks.

It brings joy to my heart to see Karsten using his talents for the Lord. It also, of course, brings tears to my eyes as he plays the song. I love the words!

So here Karsten is making a joyful noise unto the Lord.

Way to go, Karsten! We are so proud of you!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Praying, Praying, and More Praying

Just an undate on our adoption...we are still waiting on Kylie Hope. Things are moving really slowly with the CCAA (China Center of Adoption Affairs). July 14 will be 3 years that we were logged in and when the official wait time began. So hard to believe. Yet we continue to trust our loving and sovereign God whose plan is always perfect. We may not agree and may not like it, but He knows us better than we know ourselves and wants what is best for us.

We love you, Kylie, and just know that so many people are praying for you. You are so loved!

Please continue to pray for the millions of orphans around the world who are waiting for loving families. I get so wrapped up in my selfishness and think about our long wait when I forget about all the babies waiting for so long just for someone to hold them and tell them they love them. It breaks my heart.

Brad and I continue to seek God's direction on our second adoption of Karsten's second brother. Currently we are searching adoption agencies and praying. We told Karsten the other day and I cannot even begin to tell you how excited he was. He said something like this with a big grin on his face and eyes open wide, "You mean I'm getting a sister plus another brother...I don't care where he's from...he can be from Atlanta, China, Mexico...I don't care...I am so happy." I smiled and tears welled from my eyes. Karsten has such a tender heart. He looks at what's inside a person and not what color they are. He has the kind of love that God wants all of us to have. I love that about him.

Thank you Karsten for being who God wants you to be. Daddy and Mommy love you so much! Never forget that you ARE a big brother even though your little brother Kyler is not here.

Thank you family and friends for praying for us and for our daughter, Kylie. Someday soon I look forward to posting pictures of Kylie.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Resurrection Day

I am so thankful for my risen Savior. Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I would have no hope of eternal life. I hope each of you has a blessed Easter and always remember that Jesus loves you. In fact, He loves you so much that He died for you. He took our sins away when He gave his life on the cross. And three glorious days later, He arose from the grave!

A friend of our's called just a while ago and asked if I had ever heard of the song, "Always" by Building 429. He described to me what it was about and thought of us. I just had to search for it and found it on you tube. Whatever storm you are going through, remember that Jesus never changes, He is sovereign and is always with you.

Don't forget to scroll down to the bottom to pause the music playing.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Joy and Sorrow

"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me...
to comfort all who mourn...
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair."
Isaiah 61:1-3

Thank you all for the cards, e-mails, phone calls, kind words, and prayers! We most definitely felt your prayers for us on Sunday. Tough day, yet peaceful; full of tears, yet we laughed. Sunday afternoon we went to the cemetary. We know that Kyler's soul is not there and that he is in heaven, but for now that is where his body is and his place on earth. Karsten sat in front of Kyler's headstone for the longest, in very deep thought and touching it. He really misses his little brother. That night we ate cupcakes that Karsten wanted to make for Kyler's birthday and then we sang Happy Birthday. That was the first time we had ever done that, and it was very hard! Brad and I knew how important it was for Karsten. It was actually good for us as a family. We cried, talked, and spoke about Jesus' return and how the dead in Christ will rise first and then we who are still alive will meet the Lord in the air. The time we shared was part of the healing process and we needed that. God continues to use our scars and our brokenness to bring Him praise, honor, and glory. Thanks again for showing us love and for lifting us up in prayer!

A song titled, "The Blessing in the Thorn" has amazing lyrics and stirs my heart. May we all find the blessing in "the thorn in my flesh" (2 Corinthians 12:7-10).

I read about a man of God
Who gloried in his weakness
And I wish that I could be
More like Him and less like me
Am I to blame for what I'm not
Or is pain the way God teaches me to grow
I need to know

When does the thorn become a blessing
When does the pain become a friend
When does the weakness make me stronger
When does my faith make me whole again
I want to feel His arms around me
In the middle of my raging storm
So that I can see the blessing in the thorn

I've heard it said the strength of Christ
Is perfect in my weakness
And the more that I go through
The more I prove the promise true
His love will go to any length
And reaches even now to where I am

But tell me once again
Lord, I have to ask You
On the cross You suffered through
Was there a time You ever doubted
What You already knew

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Kyler's Birthday and Homegoing: March 22, 2004

"My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word." (Psalm 119:28)

It's been a difficult week for Brad, Karsten and me. Actually a difficult month. We can testify to the fact that time does not heal all wounds. Anyone who has ever lost a child knows that life is never the same again. God is our Healer and Sustainer. He has chosen this journey for us. We may limp or crawl at times and we trust that He is going to get us through. This life on earth is a journey, for we are just passing through until we arrive to our final destination...our home in heaven.

For those of you who are new to our blog, I would like to share with you the story that God has written for our lives about our second son, Kyler Braden Evans.

On the morning of March 22, 2004, at 38 weeks pregnant, I went into labor. Brad and I took Karsten over to Dean and Elaine's house then we headed to the hospital. Although in some pain, I was anxious to hold and see my baby. After arriving there and getting prepared, when the nurse checked Kyler's heartbeat, she said it was low (I forget, it was somewhere in the 80's). They called my doctor and he performed an emergency c-section. Since I was still under anesthesia, I didn't get to see Kyler when he came out. However, while the Lord was with Brad, he had to witness things unimaginable that any father should not have to do. Kyler was not breathing and the doctors and nurses did everything they could in the 45 minutes to try to revive him. On the day Kyler was ready to be born into this world, he went straight into the arms of Jesus, our Savior.

We had found out a few weeks later that I have a genetic blood clotting disorder called factor V leiden. With that, a pregnant woman has an 8-10 times greater chance of having a blood clot. When I went into labor, a blood clot had formed in the placenta which had cut off oxygen and blood flow in the cord.

Eight hours had passed until we got to hold Kyler and take pictures. That explains why Kyler looks the way he does in the pictures. I am so thankful for the pictures and for nurses Bethney and Carol. We didn't realize it right away, but I was also sick with HELLP syndrome, therefore I was in the hospital for a week.

Kyler Braden Evans

"All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."
Psalm 139:16

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail."

Lamentations 3:22

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with
the glory that will be revealed in us." Romans 8:18

"Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

Five years! Our little boy would be 5 years old today. Five is like a milestone age, a fun age. Brad and I both agreed that this has probably been the most difficult age to miss. Don't misinterpret that, they've all been hard and not a day goes by that we don't think of and miss Kyler. This Fall he would have been starting Kindergarten and since I would've been his teacher it hurts even more. The older Karsten gets, the more he misses his little brother. He has also been sad about one of his close friends moving away and just this week Karsten told me, "It's just not fair. My brother died and lives in heaven and now my best friend is moving." He continued on with, "Why did you and Daddy get to keep your brothers here on earth and I didn't?" I was crushed. I don't know why God took Kyler. But I do know that we serve a God who loves us. Please pray for Karsten. If I focused all the time on the things that I don't understand, I wouldn't want to get out of bed each day.

I am so thankful for the resurrection power of Christ. Jesus rose from the dead and lives for us today. He has already won the ultimate victory. We do have HOPE beyond the grave. 1 Corinthians 15:55-57 says, "Where, O death is your victory? Where, O death is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

I think of the aching of our souls and the emptiness we often feel, yet I am so grateful for the empty tomb. Without that, we would have nothing to look forward to and no hope. Jesus says in John 11:25, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" I believe the Bibles that were sent to Taiwan from Kyler's memorial fund are having an effect on many people's lives. God's Word is powerful and according to Isaiah 55:11, it will not return empty. So how can we feel so empty, yet so full? Because of Jesus. Remember His tomb is empty (which is the true meaning of Easter) and Jesus LIVES. God's Word will not return empty and it will accomplish what He desires and achieve His purpose.

God never promised any person on the earth a happy life. He does, however, want us to live the abundant and purposeful life He has planned for us. God revealed something to me as I was typing this. I had mentioned at the beginning that the doctors and nurses were unable to revive Kyler. God immediately took my mind to the word revive that I knew was somewhere in Psalm 119. "Revive me according to Your word"(v.154). God continues to revive us. Psalm 119:50 says this, "My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life." Verse 92 says, "If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction."

Our passion for Jesus Christ was born from the pain and suffering of losing our son and brother. We know that Kyler is alive and happy in heaven running and playing. We miss him so badly and have missed doing so many things with him that we thought we would do! Life is so short. God has taught us that. Don't take for granted one day. We wish we could watch Kyler today blow out his five candles after we sang happy birthday to him. We know and believe that someday we will all be together FOREVER. What our holy and righteous God has allowed us to go through, He will bring us through. Our precious son, Kyler, is now and forever being held by the One who continues to hold us.

I know that there are only a handful of people who read our blog. Would you mind sharing with us how Kyler's life and death have impacted you or someone you know. We would love for anyone to share your thoughts even if you don't know us. Your words will encourage us! Thank you all for your love and prayers.

"Naked I came from my mother's womb,
and naked I will depart.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
blessed be the name of the LORD."

Job 1:21

Grieving with hope,

Monday, March 16, 2009

Disney World

Brad, Karsten, and I had a fun-filled week at Disney World last week. Even though we walked and walked and walked, we felt so refreshed just getting away for a week. Karsten enjoyed meeting different characters and getting their autographs. It was so much fun seeing Karsten so excited getting to meet some of his favorites such as Buzz, Woody, Goofy and Donald Duck. Then, of course, Brad and I had our times of missing Kyler and wishing he was at Disney with us. As fun as Disney World is and is probably considered one of the funnest places on earth, we had to shift our focus towards heaven and realize that he is in a place that does not even compare to Disney World. It is still painful and we wish so much Kyler was here with us, yet God continues to give us the grace to trust Him.

Continuing on with our trip, Karsten's favorite rides were the Aerosmith's Rock-n-roller coaster at Hollywood Studios and the Mt. Everest Expedition roller coaster at Animal Kingdom. At Magic Kingdom we enjoyed Space Mountain and Splash Mountain, and then Epcot was the very cool Soarin' ride. The shows were also very entertaining such as Indiana Jones, Star Wars, The Lion King, The Muppet's 3-D, Cars and Motorcycles stunt show, and It's a Bug's Life 3-D. We thank God for allowing us to get to go on this wonderful trip and for the safety He provided. Here are some pictures to enjoy.

All Star Sports Resort


At our hotel

Lightning McQueen

Buzz and Woody


Mickey and Minnie


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Praise and Prayer Request

Today is Karsten's 3rd spiritual birthday...the day he was born (adopted) into God's family by trusting Jesus as his Savior. Karsten was 4 years old at the time. Karsten has had many questions about heaven since he was 2 when his brother went to heaven. He has watched his mom and dad shed many tears over the last almost five years. When Karsten turned 3 he began asking all sorts of questions about heaven. Some things we couldn't answer, but we shared with him what God says in the Bible. We told him that Kyler went straight to heaven because he was a baby and God holds babies and children so precious in His sight. We were able to share with him how we know that we are going to heaven some day. Salvation is a gift from God. Jesus did all the work when he died on the cross. All we have to do is admit that we are sinners, ask for His forgiveness, and make Jesus the Lord of our lives. The minute we confess Him as Savior the Holy Spirit lives inside us forever.

On Wednesday, February 22, 2006, as we were driving home from the funeral home on our way to church Karsten said, "I want Jesus to live inside me." So we pulled over in the Kroger parking lot and as he talked to God, he trusted Jesus to be his Savior. That was such a sweet time. It's all about God's grace, His undeserved kindness.

The "22nd" has always been a hard day for Brad and me each month since Kyler went to heaven on March 22. We miss him terribly. It isn't ironic that God saved Karsten on the "22nd" of February...that is God's perfect timing and something He wanted to give to us so we can also celebrate and rejoice on the 22nd.

Speaking of Kyler, Karsten is wanting another brother. We've been praying for God to give him another brother the last 4+ years. Karsten asked this past Friday if we could adopt a brother for him. Wow! That is something Brad and I have talked about and prayed about, but the financial part of it is so expensive. However, we serve a mighty God and all the finances are in His hands. None of it is ours' to begin with. Please pray for us that not only we bring Kylie home this year, but also we would step out in faith again and begin another adoption journey for our third son, Karsten's other little brother. As Ephesians 3:20 says, "God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work in us."

I want to close with this quote from the Daily Bread devotions.

Have you thought of where you're going ,
When this earthly life is past,
Will the seed that you are sowing,
Bring a harvest that will last?

Live for Christ,

Saturday, February 14, 2009

While We're Waiting

My husband and I watched the movie "Fireproof" last night, which I recommend every couple seeing. There was a song on the movie titled, "While I'm Waiting" and I love the lyrics. It tied in so well with our waiting for our daughter and sister.

Happy Valentine's Day!

**Don't forget to scroll down to the bottom to pause the music.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Spiritual Growth

Hi everyone! I hadn't realized it had been 3 weeks since I last blogged. When I started this blog in the summer I was posting a new entry every week, but I had more free time then.

As I was having my morning quiet time with the Lord, I was thinking about where I am spiritually. I don't want to just go through the motions, which I know I have been guilty of doing before. I thought back to this past weekend when we were in Chattanooga visiting my parents. My mom and dad still have the game Twister that my brother and I used to play with our friends. In the last few months I have only played that game a few times because my sweet son REALLY wants to play. Whew...let's just say that I didn't last as long as I used to. I'm not as limber as I used to be and I'm a lot older =).

Fifteen years had probably passed since I had last played Twister. If I was playing it on a regular basis I would be more fit. Well the same is true in our spiritual walk. We must train diligently for the Christian life. In other words, we must steadily repeat spiritual exercises to be spiritually fit. Here are a few things from God's Word:

In Isaiah 27:11, our spiritual growth is compared to a tree. From my Life Application Bible, here is what the commentary says, "Isaiah compares the state of Israel's spiritual life with dry twigs that are often broken off and used to make fires. Trees in Scripture often represent spiritual life. The trunk is the channel of strength from God; the branches are the people who serve Him. Tree branches sometime waver and blow in the wind. Like Israel, they may dry up from internal rottenness and become useless for anything except building a fire. What kind of branch are you? If you are withering spiritually, check to see if you are firmly attached to God."

Time alone with God is vital everyday. Matthew 14:23 says that Jesus had alone time with God. That time needs to be prayer time, including thanking God and praising Him, and being diligent in reading the Bible. If we don't then we are never going to grow spiritually and 15 years from now I don't want to be in my spiritual life as I was in my physical life with the game of Twister.

John 4:13-15: Jesus is our Living Water and the Bread of Life (John 6:51). Just as our physical bodies need food and water so do our souls. We need to feed our souls everyday with God's Word for He alone satisfies our hungry and thirsty souls. As Christians, let's remember to train diligently--"we do it to get a crown that will last forever" (1 Corinthians 9: 25b).

Sorry no pictures from our wonderful Twister game, but I thought I'd share several pictures from the Aquarium.

That was such a beautiful weekend!
Also, please continue to pray for Kylie and us as we wait to have her. Currently, the CCAA is working on March 2006 dates, where we are July 2006. Believe and pray with us that God will make a way for us to have our daughter this year. Thanks so much for your prayers!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Power of Prayer Changes Lives

1 Timothy 2:1-2
"I urge, then, first of all that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

Today we have a new President and according to the Bible we are to pray for our President and all of our government leaders. Regardless of our political views, President Obama and his family, Vice President Joe Biden and his family, and all leaders need our prayers. I pray that they would seek the one and only true living God, and that God would give them wisdom and insight and I pray for their protection and God's blessings.

We as a nation need to turn to Jesus Christ and seek His face above all else. We need to bless God with our lives, for He has immeasurably blessed us.

Remember that God is ultimately in charge of world politics... "The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases." (Proverbs 21:1)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Being Patient is Not Always Easy

1 Corinthians 13:4--"Love is patient..."

It seems so simple doesn't it? Love is patient. Then what is love? According to 1 John 4:16, God is love.

It will be 3 years next week since we began our adoption journey...the paperwork anyway. It was actually 4 years in December that God gave me a desire for an orphan girl in China. Kylie's lilac colored room is ready, Karsten is anxious to play with his little sister, and Brad and I are excited about becoming parents to our daughter.

We live in a world where we think we just have to have things now. We don't want to wait for anything. I have been so guilty of that. However, these past three years God has taught me about patience...the word most everyone dreads hearing. God wants me to be still and know that He is God and that He will work out everything in His timing. In the meantime, we must wait...and wait...until one day He will say it's time to have our daughter. I want to be in God's will. Just as Christ coming into the world as a baby was God's perfect timing, so I know it will be for us to bring Kylie home.

I know that patience can seem impossible at times, but that is a fruit of the Spirit quality that God wants us to have. When we seek Christ's love He will give us His love so that we can be patient.

May all of us be on our knees more this year as we seek our Savior and strive to be more like the One who died for us so that we can have eternal life in heaven.

Love & Blessings,
Romans 8:15-17
"For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption. And by him we cry 'Abba, Father.' The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs--heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory."