1 Corinthians 13:4--"Love is patient..."
It seems so simple doesn't it? Love is patient. Then what is love? According to 1 John 4:16,
God is love. It will be 3 years next week since we began our adoption journey...the paperwork anyway. It was actually 4 years in December that God gave me a desire for an orphan girl in China. Kylie's lilac colored room is ready, Karsten is anxious to play with his little sister, and Brad and I are excited about becoming parents to our daughter.
We live in a world where we think we just have to have things now. We don't want to wait for anything. I have been so guilty of that. However, these past three years God has taught me about patience...the word most everyone dreads hearing. God wants me to be still and know that He is God and that He will work out everything in His timing. In the meantime, we must wait...and wait...until one day He will say it's time to have our daughter. I want to be in God's will. Just as Christ coming into the world as a baby was God's perfect timing, so I know it will be for us to bring Kylie home.
I know that patience can seem impossible at times, but that is a fruit of the Spirit quality that God wants us to have. When we seek Christ's love He will give us His love so that we can be patient.
May all of us be on our knees more this year as we seek our Savior and strive to be more like the One who died for us so that we can have eternal life in heaven.
Love & Blessings,